Starting a run without delay – Dako Autostainer User Manual

Page 86

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Dako Autostainer


User Guide

Starting a Run without Delay

Starting a staining run immediately.

1. Select


NEXT button on the SLIDE LAYOUT MAP:LOAD SLIDES screen during slide

loading. The SET START TIME window is displayed.

The Start Time is listed as +0:00 and the current time.

The Finish Time is listed as the +HH:MM required to complete the run. The calculated
finish time is also displayed.

2. Select


PRIME PUMP (Water) button. A dialog box appears asking if the pathway is

clear for the arm to move.

Select the YES button. The Autostainer calibrates the reagent dispensing mechanism and
primes the water dispensing pump.

Select the NO button and the SET START TIME window is displayed.

NOTE: The “01” hardware version of the Dako Autostainer does not have an additional
reservoir for deionized water. If your Autostainer does not have this option the software
does not prompt to prime the water pump.

3. Select


PRIME PUMP (Buffer) button. The buffer dispensing pump is primed.

NOTE: If this step is omitted prior to start of the run, the pump will be automatically
primed upon starting the run.

4. Select either the Check Volumes or Do Not Check Volumes options located near the

bottom of the screen.

NOTE: If the Check Volumes option is selected, the Autostainer will check each
required reagent vial to verify that the minimum amount of reagent is available at the start
of the run. Extra buffer will be required for this function to clean the probe after checking
each reagent. When this option is selected, the amount of required buffer will increase
and you will be prompted to add extra buffer at the start of the run.

If the reagent volume is insufficient to complete the run, the Autostainer will stop and
prompt the user with a message indicating that adequate reagent was not found. The
Autostainer will sound an alarm and will not proceed until the user returns and selects
OK. The instrument will then resume checking volumes.

If the Do Not Check Volumes option is selected, the Autostainer will not check reagent
volumes prior to the start of the run.
