Your motivation: sport, English – Compex Energy mi-Ready User Manual

Page 168

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ou are active and take part as often as

possible in a physical or sporting activity.
Even if you are not a specialist in a
particular sport or a keen competitor, you
are passionate about sport: you run, you
swim, you cycle, sometimes you roller
skate or just walk: in short, you take every
opportunity to stay in peak physical
condition! In this scenario, the


programmes will help you maintain your
energy and vitality to benefit fully from all
your exercise and sports, so as to stay on
top form all year round.




pecially designed to improve oxygen

absorption by the stimulated muscles, this
programme allows you to exercise over a
long period. It is the ideal top-up if you
run, cycle, roller skate, etc.

Stimulation energy: highest tolerable energy



y subjecting your muscles to intense and

prolonged effort, this programme leads to
improved resistance to fatigue, during
sustained workouts lasting a long time. It
also develops certain muscles where good
condition is important for everyday living
(abdominal, dorsal, etc.).

Stimulation energy: highest tolerable energy



his programme is very interesting for

increasing your strength and muscle
contraction speed during exercise or sport
demanding very intense effort over a
short time.

Stimulation energy: highest tolerable energy

Explosive strength


xplosive strength, a key factor in some

sporting activities of extremely brief
duration, can be developed with this
programme. It significantly increases the
speed at which you will reach a high
degree of strength and improves the
efficiency of explosive gestures (bursts,
shooting, sprinting, etc.).

Stimulation energy: highest tolerable energy

Active recovery


wing to the increased blood flow and

the accelerated elimination of waste by
the muscle contraction which it induces,
this programme helps your muscle
recovery. It has a relaxing and cramp-
countering effect after a particularly
protracted muscle workout or demanding

Stimulation energy: increase the stimulation
energy gradually until you obtain clearly visible
muscular twitches

Muscle building


his programme will help you not only to

obtain firm muscles which stand out, but
also to develop in a balanced way your
general musculature (strength, volume,
tone). This way, you will get an attractive
figure more quickly and more easily.

Stimulation energy: highest tolerable energy

Body building


f you are seeking to increase your muscle

mass, this programme is designed for you.
In addition to a hard workout, this will
help you to achieve the results you’re
looking for.

Stimulation energy: highest tolerable energy

1. Your motivation: Sport

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