EVCO c-pro mega RACK User Manual

Page 80

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Switch off : ppCppCppC. The program favours the complete switching off of individual
compressors prior to moving to the following compressor.

With CCCpppppp type switching on and ppppppCCC type switching off, the individual step switch
on/off logic follows this example (example for 3 compressors):
Compressor switch on : C1 . C2 . C3
Increment switch on : p1C1 . p1C2 .p1C3 / p2C1 . p2C2 . p2C3 / p3C1 . p3C2 . p3C3
Increment switch off : p3C3 . p3C2 .p3C3 / p2C3 . p2C2 . p2C1 / p1C3 . p1C2 . p1C1


Protective device timings

All the timings pertaining to compressor management are listed below

Neutral zone timings

These parameters are used to time the switching on and off requests for the various steps provided
by the compressors.
Minimum required switch on time - TOnMin
Maximum required switch on time - TOnMax
Minimum required switch off time - TOffMin
Maximum required switch off time - TOffMax
For these parameters, please refer to the description given in section 2.3.2.

Protective device timings

These times are required to protect the mechanical devices from the various startup operations to
which they are subjected.

TMinOn – Minimum compressor switch on time (PC04). Once activated, the compressor will
remain on for this amount of time, before being able to be switched off.

TMinOff – Minimum compressor switch off time (PC05).
Minimum elapsed time since the last
switch off before the compressor can be switched on once more.

TOnOn – Minimum same compressor switch on time (PC06). This establishes the minimum time
that must elapse before the same compressor can be switched on.

TOnOther – Minimum different compressor switch on time (PC07).
This establishes the minimum
time that must elapse before the subsequent compressor can be switched on. If greater than zero,
this allows avoiding any simultaneous startup operations.

TOffOther – Minimum different compressor switch off time (PC08).
This establishes the minimum
time that must elapse before the subsequent compressor can be switched off. If greater than zero,
this allows avoiding any simultaneous startup operations.

TOnParz – Minimum step switch on time (PC09). This establishes the minimum switch on time
between compressor steps.

TOffParz – Minimum step switch off time (PC10). This establishes the minimum switch off time
between compressor steps.

This manual is related to the following products: