Verilink APS 2000 T1 Line Protection (880-502411-001) Product Manual User Manual

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Verilink APS 2000 User Manual

Figure 5-3 Diagnostics Menu

Since a T1 circuit operates by sending pulses to represent a logical
“one”, the indication PULSES means that the T1 CSU portion of this
SCC 2120 in the example above does see pulses on both the
equipment (left side) and network (right side) interfaces. Therefore,
of all the messages which might appear on this menu in upper case
characters, PULSES is the only message which does not represent
an alarm condition. Pulses are the logical opposite of a Loss Of
Signal (LOS) condition.

Figure 5-4

below shows the result of disconnecting the T1 circuit

from an SCC 2120 module. The word PULSES no longer appears on
the right hand side where network status is indicated. Instead, a
number of alarm conditions are reported including ALARM, FRAME

NOTE: Whenever a T1 CSU reports Signal Loss, it will report other

alarms as well. The other alarms are caused by the signal

loss condition. Ignore the other alarms and find the cause of

the Signal Loss to restore the T1 to service.

APS DIAGNOSTIC -- FW Rev 4.0 HW Fab 0.8 Type TAC 2110 --

APS DIAGNOSTIC -- FW Rev 4.0 HW Fab 0.8 Type TAC 2110 --

APS DIAGNOSTIC -- FW Rev 4.0 HW Fab 0.8 Type TAC 2110 --

APS DIAGNOSTIC -- FW Rev 4.0 HW Fab 0.8 Type TAC 2110 --




| |

| |

| |

| |
-------<< eq <<-------|----------|f|----------|-------<< net <<-------

-------<< eq <<-------|----------|f|----------|-------<< net <<-------

-------<< eq <<-------|----------|f|----------|-------<< net <<-------

-------<< eq <<-------|----------|f|----------|-------<< net <<-------
| |r| | PULSES

| |r| | PULSES

| |r| | PULSES

| |r| | PULSES
| |a| |

| |a| |

| |a| |

| |a| |
| |m| |

| |m| |

| |m| |

| |m| |
PULSES | |e| |

PULSES | |e| |

PULSES | |e| |

PULSES | |e| |
------->> eq >>-------|----------|r|----------|------->> net >>-------

------->> eq >>-------|----------|r|----------|------->> net >>-------

------->> eq >>-------|----------|r|----------|------->> net >>-------

------->> eq >>-------|----------|r|----------|------->> net >>-------
| |

| |

| |

| |



X) exit menu Y) enable loops Z) reset alarm T) test time (15 SEC)

X) exit menu Y) enable loops Z) reset alarm T) test time (15 SEC)

X) exit menu Y) enable loops Z) reset alarm T) test time (15 SEC)

X) exit menu Y) enable loops Z) reset alarm T) test time (15 SEC)

__eq loops__ __err counter__ __net signals__ __net loops__

__eq loops__ __err counter__ __net signals__ __net loops__

__eq loops__ __err counter__ __net signals__ __net loops__

__eq loops__ __err counter__ __net signals__ __net loops__



R) repeater A) show cntr 1) qrss L) line

R) repeater A) show cntr 1) qrss L) line

R) repeater A) show cntr 1) qrss L) line

R) repeater A) show cntr 1) qrss L) line
E) equip B) clear cntr 2) 3 in 24 P) payload

E) equip B) clear cntr 2) 3 in 24 P) payload

E) equip B) clear cntr 2) 3 in 24 P) payload

E) equip B) clear cntr 2) 3 in 24 P) payload
N) end tests 3) 1 in 8

N) end tests 3) 1 in 8

N) end tests 3) 1 in 8

N) end tests 3) 1 in 8
i) re-establish FE 4) 511 _send net loop code_

i) re-establish FE 4) 511 _send net loop code_

i) re-establish FE 4) 511 _send net loop code_

i) re-establish FE 4) 511 _send net loop code_



U) inband up

U) inband up

U) inband up

U) inband up
D) inband down

D) inband down

D) inband down

D) inband down
[1,1] NEAR TAC 2110 >

[1,1] NEAR TAC 2110 >

[1,1] NEAR TAC 2110 >

[1,1] NEAR TAC 2110 >
