Micro console configuration – Gilderfluke&Co old Smart Brick Manual User Manual

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Micro Console Configuration:

The basic configuration of the Micro Console is done through its RS-422 Serial

port. To do this, you need to connect the system to any computer (Mac or PC), or
even a dumb terminal. Once set these adjustments will rarely need to be changed.
They are stored permanently in a EEprom so that the console will return to the same
settings each time it is turned on. Several commands for backing up and testing
record/playback Micro MACs Bricks are also available through the serial port.

To communicate with the Micro Console through the serial port, you can use

just about any computer or terminal that has a serial port on it. Some newer com-
puter designs, like the Apple Macintosh, come with serial ports that are directly com-
patible with the RS-422/RS-485 signal levels the Micro Console wants to see. These
signal levels are close enough to be used with the RS-232 signal levels found on
most older computers (like all IBM PCs and compatibles). They can be attached with
only a simple adapter cable, so long as the wire isn't too long. To gain the full ad-
vantage of the RS-422/RS-485 signal levels (multidrop networking, distances of up to
a mile) you will need to use a signal level adapter.

If you are using a computer as a terminal you will need to run a modem or ter-

minal emulation program. ÔTERMINALÕ that comes with Windows will work just fine. Z-
Term for Macintoshes is a shareware program available for free or a nominal fee, as
is BitCom for DOS. These will send everything you type on the keyboard out the seri-
al port on your computer while printing on the screen anything that comes in from
the audio system through the serial port.

A modem program will usually have the advantage over a terminal emulation

program in that it will allow you to save data to your computer's disk drives and re-
store it later. Unless VT-52 MODE is turned ON, the Micro Console uses no screen
control codes or <ESC>ape sequences, so it should work on any machine with a
80 column by 24 line display. Machines with other display formats will work, but may
not look so neat on the screen.

When configuring your modem program, you should set it for 9600 baud, 8

data bits, one stop bit, and no parity. You should set your program not to insert an
extra LineFeed (LF) character after each Carriage Return (CR) it receives, or else the
menus will print Ôdouble spacedÕ. If you are going to be uploading and downloading
configuration strings to the system, you will also need to tell the modem program to
use what is called ÔACK/NAKÕ or ÔXon/XoffÕ handshaking. Otherwise it will over run the
Micro ConsolesÕ incoming data buffer.

If you have hooked up the Micro Consoles to your computer and it still doesnÕt

seem to respond to the keyboard, the first thing to check is that you are attached to
the right serial port. The easiest way to do this is to disconnect the Micro Console
and short between the Tx data out and Rx data in pins on the serial port connector
on the back of your computer. On all IBMs and compatibles this means sticking a
paper clip or similar ÔtoolÕ between pins 2 and 3 on the ÔCom.Õ connector. While still
running the modem program, anything you type should appear on the screen while
this paper clip is in place, while nothing will appear when you remove it. If your
computer passes this test, then you are using the right serial port and the problem is
most likely the baud rate setting or in your wiring to the Micro Consoles. If you get
characters on the screen even with the paper clip removed from the serial port, it
means you probably need to set the ÔechoÕ mode to ÔnoneÕ or Ôfull duplexÕ. Then you
should repeat this test.

The serial data signals from the Micro Consoles are brought out on the six posi-

tion RJ-11 (modular telephone style) connector labeled 'RS-422 Serial Port'. Facing
the end of the cable with the release latch upwards, its pin out is as follows:



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