Micro console buttons – Gilderfluke&Co old Smart Brick Manual User Manual

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Micro Console Buttons:

The Micro Console has four Blue ÔChannelÕ buttons which represent the four

eight bit channels you can use. Once any of the inputs has been assigned, it can
temporarily be Ôpunched outÕ (put into a playback mode, even if programming a
show) or Ôpunched inÕ (put back into active mode). You just momentarily press the
blue ÔChannelÕ key for any of the assigned inputs to punch it out. The green LED
that shows that the input was assigned will then start to flash. To punch it back in,
you press the blue Channel button again. If you punch any analog in or out while
PC¥MACs is recording a show and the AUTO INBETWEEN function has been turned
ÔONÕ, PC¥MACs will automatically remove any jump that might have been created
at the punch points.

The thirty-two white buttons are for programming digital functions. When they

are active for programming, the Green LEDs on each button show that the individu-
al button is active for programming. The Red LEDs show any data that has previously
been programmed.

The five gray buttons are the command buttons. These are used as follows:

Hex/Decimal/Percent: This button is used to select which numbering system

will be used by the Micro Console. The numbering system can also be se-
lected using the ÔHex/decimal/percentÕ command on the menu accessed
through the serial port. The numbering systems are:

HEXadecimal: Values are shown as Ô00hÕ to ÔFFhÕ
Decimal: Values are displayed as Ф0Х to Ф255Х
Percent: Values are displayed as Ф0Х to Ф100Х


This button is used to reverse any of the analog inputs

or make any of the digital inputs into 'alternate' action (push ÔONÕ/push
ÔOFFÕ) inputs.

Note that when you make any digital input port into alternate action,

all eight bits in that port will be affected. If you are working with as
PC¥MACs System, you can use some bits on the same channel as mo-
mentary inputs by assigning the same output to another digital input
channel. This port can then be used as your momentary inputs.

To use the ALT./REV. command key:


Momentarily press the Alternate/Reverse button. The yellow LED on
this button will light to show that we are in Alternate/Reverse mode.


Choose which of the previously assigned channels you would like to
reverse (for analogs) or make into 'alternate' action (for digital in-
puts). Momentarily press the blue ÔchannelÕ button for that input
port. The yellow LED on it will light to show that it is now Reversed or
in Alternate Action mode. The yellow LED on the Alternate/Reverse
will turn ÔOFFÕ.

If you need to remove the Alternate/Reverse mode from any of the

programming consoleÕs inputs, just repeat the above two steps.

If you have pressed the Alternate/Reverse button and decide that

you donÕt really want to Alternate/Reverse anything, it can be canceled
by momentarily pressing the blue button for any unassigned channel. If
no other buttons are pushed, this button will cancel itself after five sec-

Analog/External/Digitals: This is the button you use to select which mode

each of the four Micro Console channels will be operating in. The decimal
points on the LED displays show the current mode. To use this command:



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