Elapsed time, Bit errors, Errored seconds – Verilink PRISM 3030 (34-00208.L) Product Manual User Manual

Page 67: Line fault and loop status, Net/dte status, Near loops, Far loops, Elapsed time bit errors errored seconds % efs, Net /dte status near loops far loops

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Maintenance Screen


Elapsed Time

Displays the time elapsed since a timed test began or, if completed, the total test

Bit Errors

Displays the total number of bit errors detected since the test began or since error
statistics were cleared (up to 999,999).

Errored Seconds

Displays the number of asynchronous errored seconds that have been detected
since the test began or since error statistics were last cleared. This parameter
includes bit error seconds and sync loss seconds.


This ratio is derived from the number of error-free seconds divided by the number
of seconds accumulated in Elapsed Time.

Line Fault and

Loop Status

NET /DTE Status

Displays the fault status of the network and DTE. They are indicators of fault
conditions and do not indicate that alarm thresholds are exceeded. Status
indications are described in Alarm Indications on page 50.

Near Loops

Displays the loop status of the near element.

Far Loops

Displays the loop status of the far element.

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