Printing by sort order, Airport properties – Jeppesen JeppView 3 User Manual

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JeppView User's Guide


Printing by Sort Order

You can print a selection of airports from the Airport List or all the airports in the list.

To print the Airport List:

1. Filter and sort the list in a way that groups the desired items together.

2. Do either of the following:

• Select the airports or charts you want to print.

• Press CTRL+A to select all the airports in the list.

3. To print, do any of the following:

• Right-click the selection and choose Print.

• Select the Print button from the Standard toolbar.

• Click File > Print.

See also:

Arranging List Windows and Toolbars

Airport Properties

The Airport Properties dialog box displays general airport information,
communications and runway information, as well as a Notebook tab where you can
enter your own notes and comments about a specific airport. This information can
also be printed as part of an

airport print job


Trip Kit

