Lynx Studio E44 User Manual

Page 39

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When using ASIO applications, all of the Lynx Interfaces will be presented as a single ASIO
device, labeled “Lynx ASIO”. When “Lynx ASIO” is selected as the current audio device, all
of the I/O from all of the interfaces will be presented in the same order as in the Lynx Mixer.
ASIO devices will be labeled with the Device ID, then the Play or Record channels. For
1: E44 Play 1+2” is for card 1, Channel 1+2
2: E22 Play 3+4” is for card 2 Channels 3+4 etc.

8.1.5 Configure for Use (OS-X)

In OS-X, all the units must be configured into a single “Aggregate Device” in order for their
combined I/O to be accessible to an audio application.

An Aggregate Device is created from
Applications > Utilities > Audio MIDI Setup
in OS-X. Make sure that the Audio Window
is open. Click the “+” button at the bottom
of the window to create a new aggregate
device. You can name it whatever you wish,
or accept the default name. Click to check
each of the Lynx Interfaces that you wish to
be combined into this aggregate device. Up
to four interfaces can be added. Make sure
that the Drift or Resample box is Un-
Checked for each selected interface.
Now, your multi interface Aggregate Device

is ready to use from within your favorite Audio application (Make sure to select “Aggregate
Device” as your active device in the Audio Devices settings of your app).

8.2 Application Setup

The E22 and E44 were designed to provide maximum compatibility with the most popular
audio and multimedia applications that use the Windows MME, DirectSound, ASIO and OS
X Core Audio driver standards. It is crucial that the applications are set up correctly for
optimal operation.

8.2.1 Windows

The Windows drivers for the E22/E44 support two dominant driver models, WDM (which
include MME/DirectSound/WASAPI) and ASIO.

WDM was developed by Microsoft and is used most typically by media playback
applications, such as Windows Media Player, iTunes, Spotify, etc.

ASIO (Audio Streaming Input/Output) was developed by Steinberg, and was designed to
address the low-latency and high channel count needs of Pro Audio and Music Production.
ASIO is an option for Audio Production applications such as Pro Tools, Cubase/Nuendo,
Sonar, Samplitude/Sequoia, Audition, etc. These applications may also support WASAPI or

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