Token analyzer – HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual

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Web ViewPoint User Guide Version 5.14 - 528226-014



This Window is used to define the content to be displayed on the Token Analyzer screen. If the USEEMSLINK
parameter is enabled for WVP Lite then Token Analyzer function is not available, if needed use FDIST not EMSLINK.
The setting Window is displayed in three separate areas as described below:

A. Source: Here you can specify whether one or more Collector Processes (maximum of 10) or a single EMS log

file should be the source of data for this Query. First select the appropriate option. Next enter the
Collector(s’) process name(s) or a log file name as described below:

Collector: You may specify one or more Collector processes to retrieve messages from. These Collectors can be on
one or more NonStop Servers of an Expand network. Multiple entries need to be separated with commas (“,”),
and Collector process names on other nodes need to be fully qualified to include the node name (e.g. $0,
\nodeb.$0). A list of Collectors on the current node (the NonStop Server to which Web ViewPoint directly
communicates with) is displayed to the right side of this area. To select a Collector from this list, simply click on its
name. This will add your selection to those already in the input box. To see detail information on a selected
Collector (first one from the input text box only, if multiple collectors are entered), click on the icon. Web
ViewPoint will open a new Window and display detail information on the selected Collector.

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