HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual

Page 93

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Web ViewPoint User Guide Version 5.14 - 528226-014


You may specify one or more Collector processes to retrieve messages from. Multiple entries need to be
separated with commas (“,”). A list of Collectors on the current node (the NonStop Server to which Web
ViewPoint directly communicates with) is displayed to the right side of this area. To select a Collector from this
list, simply click on its name. This will add your selection to those already in the input box. To see detail
information on a selected Collector (first one from the input text box only, if multiple collectors are entered),
click on the icon. Web ViewPoint will open a new Window and display detail information on the selected

B. Filter:There are four query criteria areas you can use to filter EMS messages. They are File, Criteria to pass

through or fail out messages, String, and Event Type.

File:Enter the name of an EMS Filter file. Alternatively, you may use the List button to locate a Filter file on the
NonStop Server. This is how it works:

On your first click, when the entry box is empty, it displays a list of disk drives. You may click on a disk to select
it. Its name will be added to the entry box.

If you have already selected or entered the name of a volume, a click on the same List button exposes a list of
sub-volumes. You may click on a sub-volume name to select it. Its name will be added to the entry box.

If you have already selected or entered the name of a volume & sub-volume (e.g. $data1.subvol1), a click on
the same List button exposes a list of filter files (predetermined based on file code: 845), if any. If available,
click on a file of your choice to have its name transferred to the entry box and appended to the volume and
sub-volume name already in place.

The ‘Use Pass Values’ checkbox if checked, instructs Web ViewPoint to adhere to pass values generated by
filter files (refer to Customizing Event Colors and Types for further information.) If unchecked, Web ViewPoint,
based on the ZEMS^TKN^ACTION^NEEDED and ZEMS^TKN^EMPHASIS tokens, assigns pass values to the
events passed by the filter file (this was the default behavior in Web ViewPoint Version 4).

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