6 dm link communication settings, Dm link communication settings, 6dm link communication settings – IDEC High Performance Series User Manual

Page 594: External device setup manual

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Chapter 4


External Device Setup Manual


DM Link Communication Settings

The settings required in WindO/I-NV2 or WindO/I-NV3 for the using the DM Link communication are located in the Configura-
- System Setup - Project dialog box. (Refer to 1.3 and 1.4 in Chapter 2 of the WindO/I-NV2 User’s Manual or SmartAXIS
Touch User's Manual. Set the items in the following table in accordance with the external device that you will be using.

Dialog Box Name
- Tab Name

Setting Name


Project Settings -
Host I/F Driver or


Select IDEC HG System or IDEC System.

Host I/F Driver
Communication Driver

Select DM Link 1:1 for DM Link 1:1 communication and DM Link 1:N for
DM Link 1:N Communication.

Transmission Wait

Set the time after which the MICRO/I or Touch sends a response command
to the external device after receiving a command from the external device.
The actual time until the response is sent is greater than the Transmission
wait time and less than the Transmission wait time +10msec.

Retry Cycles

This setting is not required.

Time Out

With BCC

Select the checkbox if you want to perform BCC checking.

Max Event Transmission
Words (Only DM Link 1:1)

Set the max number of words for event transmission.

(Only DM Link 1:1)

Select the number of protocol format.
0: Basic protocol format
1: Protocol format 1(Add an error code and “CR” to “ACK”, “NAK” in
Basic protocol format.)

(Only DM Link 1:N)

Set the DM Link station number.

Project Settings -


Select Host Communication.

Baud Rate

Select the same setting used for the external device.

(1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 or 115200bps)

Data Bits

Select the same setting used for the external device. (7 or 8 bits)

Stop Bits

Select the same setting used for the external device (1 or 2 bits)


Select the same setting used for the external device. (Even, Odd or None)

Serial Interface

Select the serial interface that you will be using.

(RS232C, RS422/485 2-wire or RS422/485 4-wire)

Flow Control

Select either Hardware or None.

Project Settings -

Start Time

Set this to 0.

Use System Area

Select this if you want to use the system area.


Specify the system area start Device address.

Use System Areas 3, 4

Select this if you want to use the system areas 3 and 4.

Watch Dog

If you select Watch Dog, set the Write Device and the Time (write interval).
If you will transmit from the MICRO/I or Touch to the external device, set a
write device for the event output area.



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