Interpolation parameters configuring, 10 interpolation parameters configuring – ADLINK PCI-8134A User Manual

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Function Library


Interpolation Parameters Configuring

@ Name

map_axes – Configure the axis map for coordinated motion
set_move_speed – Set the vector velocity
set_move_accel – Set the vector acceleration time
set_move_ratio – Set the axis resolution ratios

_8134_set_move_ratio – Set the axis resolution ratios
@ Description


This function initializes a group of axes for coordinated motion.
map_axes() must be called before any coordinated motion function is
used. For PCI-8134, coordinated motion is made only between two axes.
For example, if the z and u coordinates correspond to axes 2 and 3, the
following code would be used to define the coordinate system:

int ax[2] = {2, 3};

map_axes(2, ax);


// Set vector velocity = 10000pps

set_move_accel(0.1); // Set vector accel. time = 0.1 sec

set_move_speed, set_move_accel:

The vector velocity and vector acceleration can be specified for
coordinated motion by this two functions. Codes at last samples
demonstrates how to utilize this two function associated with map_axes().


This function configures scale factors for the specified axis. Usually, the
axes only need scale factors if their mechanical resolutions are

different. For example, if the resolution of feedback sensors is two
times resolution of command pulse, then ratio = 2.


This function configures scale factors for the specified axis. Usually, the
axes only need scale factors if their mechanical resolutions are different.
For example, if the resolution of feedback sensors is two times
resolution of command pulse, then ratio = 2.

@ Syntax

C/C++ (DOS, Windows)

U16 map_axes(U16 n_axes, U16 *map_array)
U16 set_move_speed(F64 str_vel, F64 max_vel)
U16 set_move_accel(F64 Tacc)
U16 set_move_ratio(U16 axis, F64 ratio)
I16 _8134_set_move_ratio(I16 AxisNo, F64 move_ratio)

Visual Basic (Windows)

map_axes (ByVal n_axes As Integer, map_array As

Integer) As Integer
