Manual pulser motion, 11 manual pulser motion – ADLINK PCI-8134A User Manual

Page 130

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Additional Function Library

I16 _8134_set_org_latch(I16 axis, I16 org_latch)

Visual Basic (Windows)

B_8134_set_home_config (ByVal axis As Integer, ByVal

home_mode As Integer, ByVal org_logic As Integer, ByVal

ez_logic As Integer, ByVal ez_count As Integer, ByVal erc_out
As Integer) As Integer

B_8134_home_move (ByVal axis As Integer, ByVal str_vel As

Double, ByVal max_vel As Double, ByVal accel As Double) As

B_8134_set_org_offset(Byval axis As Integer, ByVal org_latch As

Integer) As Integer

B_8134_set_org_logic(ByVal axis As Integer, ByVal org_logic As

Integer) As Integer

B_8134_set_bounce_filter(ByVal axis As Integer, ByVal b_value As

Integer) As Integer

B_8134_set_org_latch(ByVal axis As Integer, ByVal org_latch As

Integer) As Integer

@ Argument

axis: axis number designated to configure and perform home


home_mode: stopping modes for home return.

home_mode=0, ORG active only.
home_mode=1, ORG active and then EZ active to stop.

home_mode=2, ORG active and then EZ active slow down to stop.

home_mode=3~7, please refer to the appendix A

org_logic: Action logic configuration for ORG signal

org_logic=0, active low; org_logic=1, active high

org_latch: Latch state control for ORG signal

org_latch=0, don’t latch input; org_latch=1, latch input.

EZ_logic: Action logic configuration for EZ signal

EZ_logic=0, active low; EZ_logic=1, active high.

ez_count: 0~15, 0 means count 1 time
erc_out: 0=disable ERC
b_value: Times of I/O checking
org_latch: 0=don’t latch, 1=latch

@ Return Code



Manual Pulser Motion

@ Name

_8134_set_pulser_iptmode – Set pulser input mode and operation


_8134_pulser_vmove – Begin a manual pulser movement
_8134_set_pulser_ratio – Set manual pulser ratio
