ADLINK PCI-8134A User Manual

Page 131

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Additional Function Library


_8134_set_step_unit – Set manual pulser ratio

@ Description


Four types of pulse input modes can be available for pulser or hand
wheel. User can also move two axes simultaneously with one pulser
by selecting the operation mode to common mode. Or move the
axes independently by selecting the operation mode to independent


Begin to move the axis according to manual pulser input as this
command is written. The maximum moving velocity is limited by
Speedlimit parameter. Not until the stop command is written won’t
system end the manual move mode.


Set the unit number of output pulses to one manual input pulse. The
setting range is 0 to 15. If you set n, the unit number is (n+1). That is
when one manual pulse input from PA and PB pins, OUT and DIR
pins will output n+1 pulses at most. If users do not set the pulser ratio,
the default ratio is 0.


Set the unit number of output pulses to one manual input pulse. The
setting range is 0 to 15. If you set n, the unit number is (n+1). That is
when one manual pulse input from PA and PB pins, OUT and DIR
pins will output n+1 pulses at most. If users do not set the pulser ratio,
the default ratio is 0.

@ Syntax

C/C++ (DOS, Windows)

I16 _8134_set_pulser_iptmode(I16 axis, I16 Inputmode, I16


I16 _8134_pulser_vmove(I16 axis, F64 Speedlimit)
I16 _8134_set_pulser_ratio(I16 AxisNo, I16 Value)
I16 _8134_set_step_unit(I16 AxisNo, I16 unit)

Visual Basic (Windows)

B_8134_set_pulser_iptmode (ByVal axis As Integer, ByVal

Inputmode As Integer, ByVal Indep_com As Integer) As

B_8134_pulser_vmove (ByVal axis As Integer, ByVal Speedlimit

As Double) As Integer

@ Argument

axis: axis number designated to start manual move
Inputmode: setting of manual pulser input mode from PA and PB

ipt_mode=0, 1X AB phase type pulse input.
ipt_mode=1, 2X AB phase type pulse input.
ipt_mode=2, 4X AB phase type pulse input.
ipt_mode=3, CW/CCW type pulse input.

Indep_com: common or independent mode selection
