Glossary – Tektronix CSA8000B User Manual

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CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual

Glossary- 1



The closeness of the indicated value to the true value.


The process of sampling signals from input channels, digitizing the samples
into data points, and assembling the data points into a waveform record. The
waveform record is stored in memory. The trigger marks time zero in that

Active cursor

The cursor that moves when you turn the general purpose knob. It is
represented in the display by a solid line.

Active (or Selected) view

The view in multiple view displays that is currently targeted for adjustment
by the horizontal controls. The front-panel button of the active view is
always lit amber.


A false representation of a signal due to insufficient sampling of high
frequencies or fast transitions. A condition that occurs when a sampling
instrument digitizes at an effective sampling rate that is too slow to
reproduce the input signal. The waveform displayed on screen may have a
lower frequency than the actual input signal.


Lines displayed on screen to indicate measurement reference levels and
points that an automatic measurement is using to derive the measurement


The degree the amplitude of a signal is reduced when it passes through an
attenuating device such as a probe or an external attenuator. That is, the ratio
of the input measure to the output measure. For example, a 10X attenuator
will attenuate, or reduce, the input voltage of a signal by a factor of 10.

Automatic measurement

An automatic measurement of a parameter and its numeric readout that the
instrument takes and updates directly from a channel, math, or reference
waveform in real time, without operator intervention.

Automatic trigger mode

A trigger mode that causes the instrument to automatically acquire if
triggerable events are not detected within a specified time period.

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