Tektronix CSA8000B User Manual

Page 345

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CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual

Index- 3

horizontal reference, defined, 3--54
horizontal scale readout, defined, 3--54
how to customize, 3--69
how to set style of, 3--68
limit readouts, defined, 3--54
map—Main & Mag views, 2--10
map—Main view, 2--9

Infinite Persistence, 3--67
Normal, 3--67
Variable Persistence, 3--67

multiple views, 3--55
preview field, defined, 3--54
printing, 3--132
keys to using, 3--56
setting high color, 3--137
system, Glossary--3
time base views, defined, 3--54
touchscreen, defined, 3--55
customizing, 3--66
waveform, 2--7
why use, 3--55
zoom, 3--55

Display controls

purpose, 3--55
vs. Acquisition controls, 3--58

Display menu

Dots, 3--67
Vectors, 3--67

Display screen, overview of, 3--53
Display settings

Horizontal position, 3--59
horizontal reference, 3--59

Displaying waveforms, 3--53

online, 2--1
online help system, 3--167

Dots, 3--67
Dots, Display menu, 3--67
Dragging, mouse or touchscreen, Glossary--3


Edge trigger, Glossary--4
Electrical modules, installation, 1--10
Electrical sampling modules, specifications, where to

find, A--1

Envelope acquisition mode, Glossary--4
Environmental requirements, installation, 1--9
Equivalent time sampling, random, Glossary--4
Error detection, Glossary--4
Error rate, Glossary--4


and sampling modules, 3--6
and trigger source inputs, 3--43

Exporting waveforms, 3--128
Extinction ratio, Glossary--4


Fiberchannel, standards supported, 3--142
Firmware, upgrade, 1--4
Flat panel display, cleaning, 3--176
FrameScan Acquisition

keys to using, 3--31
usage limitations, 3--31

FrameScan acquisition

advantages, 3--30
cycle, 3--31
How to catch bit error, 3--36
how works (illustrated), 3--32
overview, 3--30
why use, 3--30

Envelope, usage limitations, 3--31
FrameScan Mode, How to acquire in, 3--33
Front panel, map, 2--8
Functional tests, procedure, 1--21


Gamma control, 1--15
Gated measurements, Glossary--4
Gated Triggering, how to set, 3--50
General purpose knob, Glossary--4
Gigabit Ethernet, 3--142
GPIB, Glossary--4
Graticule, Glossary--5

labels, Glossary--5
one per view, 3--57


Hardware and operating system, procedure, 1--38
High, Glossary--5
High frequency triggering, 3--45
High/Low tracking, 3--77

methods for, 3--77

HighRef, measurement level, Glossary--5

continuous operation of, 3--154
counting, 3--155
editing features, 3--154
in recalled setups, 3--155

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