4 833 ic liquid handling dialysis unit, 833 ic liquid handling dialysis unit – Metrohm 833 IC Liquid Handling Unit User Manual

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1 Introduction

833 IC Liquid Handling Unit / Instructions for Use 8.833.1003



833 IC Liquid Handling Dialysis Unit

As well as the basic instrument, the IC Liquid Handling Dialysis Unit

833 includes a dialysis cell upstream from the sample injector.

The 833 IC Liquid Handling Dialysis Unit is used for online sample

preparation in ion chromatography and allows the use of automatic

sample dialysis immediately before sample injection. As well as the 2-

channel peristaltic pump of the basic instrument for transferring the

sample and acceptor solution from the dialysis cell itself, the ions from

the flowing sample solution are enriched in the stationary acceptor

solution and then injected directly into the IC system. As a result of this

special stopped flow technique, for which an application for a patent

has been made by Metrohm, 100% sample concentration can be

achieved in the acceptor solution and in this way it is possible to carry

out calibration with external standards in a very easy manner.
The operation of the 833 IC Liquid Handling Dialysis Unit requires

the use of an 820 IC Separation Center with one injector and an

additional 833 IC Liquid Handling Pump Unit for the sample tramsport.

These systems, which are described in the Instructions for Use, require

the following instruments:

Operation without suppressor
2.819.0110 IC Detector

2.820.0210 IC Separation Center

2.818.0110 IC Pump

2.833.0040 IC Liquid Handling



2.833.0010 IC Liquid Handling



Operation with suppressor
2.819.0110 IC Detector

2.820.0230 IC Separation Center

2.818.0110 IC Pump

2.833.0040 IC Liquid Handling



2.833.0010 IC Liquid Handling

Pump Unit (2 x)
