Bio-Rad S3™ Cell Sorter User Manual

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Manual | 17

3.1 Main Software Window

Table 11. Region buttons and their functions (continued).
Button Name



Adds a quadrant region to the selected density plot. If a density plot is not selected,
this region will be grayed out. The region can be moved, resized, and/or deleted


Adds a bar region to the selected histogram. If a histogram is not selected, this region
will be grayed out. The region can be moved, resized, and/or deleted

Table 12. Compensation buttons and their functions.
Button Name



Opens the Automatic Compensation Calculation Wizard window. This wizard will


assist in establishing the proper compensation matrix coefficients. Single control
FCS files must be acquired and saved prior to using this feature.

View Matrix

Opens the Compensation Matrix window. Users can view and edit the compensation
matrix in this window

Table 13. Sort Setup buttons and their functions.
Button Command


Sort Logic

Opens the Sort Logic window. By default, 5 ml tube is selected for the Sort Logic
window. Users can click on the Sort Logic dropdown arrow to select 1.5 ml tube,
8-well strip, or glass slide

5 ml tube

Indicates that 5 ml tube is selected as the collection vessel. Individual mode and
limits may be set for each 5 ml tube in each direction

1.5 ml tube

Indicates that 1.5 ml tube is selected as the collection vessel. Individual mode and
limits may be set for each 1.5 ml tube in each direction

8-well strip

Indicates that 8-well strip is selected as the collection vessel. Sort limits or mode can
be set for each well in an 8-well strip

Glass slide

Indicates that glass slide is selected as the collection vessel. Sort limits or mode can
be set for each microscope slide. A maximum of 500 events can be sorted onto each
location on the slide

Table 14. Sort Monitor and help buttons and their functions.
Button Name


Droplet Monitor Opens the Droplet Monitor window. Droplets will be visible in this window after

performing a QC procedure. The status of droplet maintenance is shown in this window.
The currently set drop delay and drop drive amplitude are also shown in this window

View Streams

Opens the View Streams window. This camera shows the sort streams at a point just
above the collection vessel

Sort Statistics

Opens the Sort Statistics window. The window displays sort count, sort rate,
percentage abort count, rate and %, efficiency, etc. Sort Statistics can be added to the
print window for reporting. This window will open automatically when a sort is started


Opens a PDF file of the user manual as a reference

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