3 administrator tab toolbar – Bio-Rad S3™ Cell Sorter User Manual

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22 | S3 and S3e Cell Sorters

ProSort Software

Fig. 17. Administrator tab toolbar.

Table 20. Instrument controls and their functions (continued).
Button Name


Fluidics System

Indicates the status of the fluidics system and run time information. When


the fluidics system is down to an hour of run time, the fluidics status
window will automatically open to show which container needs attention.
If the run time reaches 5 min, the fluidics will automatically shut down

Toggle 488 nm

Controls the 488 nm laser shutter. The shutter is interlocked for safety. When

Laser Shutter

this button is grayed out, either the laser is off or the interlock is open

Toggle 561 or 640 nm Controls the 561 or 640 nm laser shutter. The shutter is interlocked for safety.

Laser Shutter

When this button is grayed out, either the laser is off or the interlock is open

Adjust Laser

The dropdown arrows next to each laser adjust the laser power. Actual

mWatt Power

power is shown by hovering over the 488 nm, 561 nm, and 640 nm labels

Table 21. PMT controls and their functions.
Button Name



The name for each parameter is editable and will be saved with the


acquired FCS data. The edited parameter name will be applied to all


plot axes, compensation controls, and filter configurations

PMT Voltage

Adjusts the PMT voltage for the given detector

Select trigger

The trigger parameter is used to alert the system to the presence of


an event over the threshold. The default for this is Forward Scatter

Adjust threshold

Threshold is a percentage of the trigger signal. The default value is 1.0%


3.3 Administrator Tab Toolbar

The administrator tab is available only for administrator users. To change a user’s privileges,
refer to Section 3.3.5, Managing Users.

The toolbar for the administrator tab (Figure 17) consists of:


System and User Control — edit system controls and manage users

Table 22 describes the buttons in this section.

IMPORTANT! Adjusting any of these settings will impact the overall performance of
the system. Only knowledgeable users should make any changes to these settings.
All changes made here will apply globally to the system.

This manual is related to the following products: