At+cops operator selection, 26 at+cops operator selection – Siemens MC35 User Manual

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AT Command Set


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4.26 AT+COPS Operator selection

This command can be used to query the present status of the ME's network registration and to de-
termine whether automatic or manual network selection shall be used.
Automatic mode:

Lets the ME automatically search for the home operator. If successful the ME
registers to the home network and enters the IDLE mode. If the home network
is not found, ME goes on searching. If then a permitted operator is found, ME
registers to this operator. If no operator is found the ME remains unregistered.

Manual mode:

Desired operator can be manually entered, using the AT+COPS write com-
mand syntax. If operator is found, ME registers to this operator. If the selected
operator is forbidden, the ME remains unregistered.


In this mode, the ME first tries to find the operator that was manually entered.
If the ME fails to register to this operator, then it starts to select automatically
another network.

Test command


TA returns a list of quadruplets, each representing an operator present in the
network. The list of operators is presented in the following order: Home net-
work, networks referenced in SIM, and other networks. Two commas in a
succession (,,) are a placeholder for the non-implemented <format>1 (short
alphanumeric operator name).


+COPS: (list of supported (<stat>, long alphanumeric <oper>,, numeric
<oper>s) [,(list of supported <mode>s), (list of supported <format>s)] OK
If error is related to ME functionality:
+CME ERROR: <err>






operator available


current operator (registered)


forbidden operator


operator as per <format>


0 - 4 see write command


0 - 2 see write command

Read command


TA returns the current mode and, if registered, the currently used operator. If
the ME is unregistered, <format> and <oper> are omitted.


+COPS: <mode>[, <format>[, <oper>]] OK
If error is related to ME functionality:
+CME ERROR: <err>


See write command

Write command


The write command allows you to choose whether the GSM network operator
is to be selected automatically or manually. When using the manual mode, the
<operator> must be entered, no matter whether you want to search for the
home operator or another one.
