Affiliate clip properties, Media file properties – Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual

Page 1401

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Part I

Media and Project Management

Affiliate Clip Properties

The following clip properties are unique to each affiliate clip, and unique to the master
clip as well. These properties are not shared. Most of these properties are properties
for editing and trimming, such as In and Out points, so that each affiliate clip can have
a unique duration in a sequence, while still referring to the same media file via its
master clip.

 Comment A–B
 In point
 Out point
 Pixel Aspect Ratio
 Film Safe
 Composite mode
 Reverse Alpha

Media File Properties

Some clip properties are derived from the media file itself. If the media file is deleted,
some of these properties are retained in the offline clip, while others become empty.
Master clips reference these properties directly from the media file. Affiliate clips
reference these properties via the master clip, so they are also considered to be shared
properties. However, clip properties derived from the media file can only be modified
in the media file, or by recapturing with different capture settings.

 Media Start
 Media End
 Aux 1–2 Reel
 Aux TC 1–2
 Frame Size
 Data Rate
 Vid Rate
 Aud Format
 Aud Rate
 Last Modified
