Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual

Page 1616

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Chapter 20

Exporting Still Images and Image Sequences




Click Options, and in the Export Image Sequence Settings window, choose your
settings, then click OK.

 Format: Choose the image format you want to use from the pop-up menu.
 Frames per second: Enter a value or choose an option from the pop-up menu for the

frame rate for the images.

 Options: Click here to set additional options, such as alternate bit depth or

compression settings, if they are available for the selected format.


When you’re ready to export, click Save.

A dialog shows you the progress of the export. To cancel your export, press Esc or
click Cancel.

Each file of the image sequence is named in the form of “Filename 001.ext,” where
“Filename” is the name you gave, the number (001) is the number of the frame, and
“.ext” is the filename extension indicating the format.

Click here to set additional
options, if available.

Choose a format type
from this pop-up menu.

Enter the desired frame
rate, or choose an option
from the pop-up menu.

A file is saved for each
frame of video.
