Apple Shake 4 User Manual

Page 606

background image


Chapter 22

Shake-Generated Images

Examples 1:

To get special characters, such as umlauts, copyright symbols, and so on, use octal and
hexadecimal codes preceded by a \ (backslash). These codes can be found in UNIX with
the main page for “printf” in its special characters section. The following example was
provided by Thomas Kumlehn, at Double Negative. Copy and paste it into the Text node:

Auml=\xC4, Ouml=\xD6, Uuml=\xDC, \n auml=\xE4, ouml=\xF6, uuml=\xFC

\n Szett=\xDF \ntm=\x99, Dot=\x95, (R)=\xAE, (C)=\xA9

A good reference website for characters can be found at

. (Thanks

to Christer Dahl for this tip.)

To use expressions, preface the text with “a :” (but without the enclosing quotation

All printed commands must be enclosed in quotation marks. For example, if you want
to print “Hell” from frames 1 to 10 and “o World” from frames 11 onward, enter:

:time<11?”Hell”:”o World”

Finally, you can also use full C formatting for your strings. This is initialized with “a : “at
the start of the text string as well:

: stringf(

“Red = %4.2f at Frame %03f”,
Grad1.red1, time


To append strings from another parameter, use something like:

in Text1.text: Hello
in Text2.text: : Text1.text + “ World”


Locale’s full month name: November


Full date representation: mm/dd/yy


Year without century: 00-99


Year as ccyy

Text Shortcut


Text String


My name is Peter

My name is Peter

My name is %U

If login = Dufus:

My name is Dufus

My name is %U.\nToday is %M.

My name is Dufus.
Today is Nov. 12

Mult red = {}

Assuming the node Mult1 exists, and the red value is .46:

Mult red = .46
