Using hpi-b, 1 overview, 2 limitations – Artesyn System Management Interface Based on HPI-B (Centellis 2000 R3.0/4411) User's Guide (June 2014) User Manual

Page 39: 1 overview 4.2 limitations, Limitations, Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

System Management Interface Based on HPI-B (Centellis 2000 R3.0/4411) User’s Guide (6806800P20C)


Using HPI-B



This chapter provides information which is necessary when writing applications that are based
on the Artesyn HPI-B distribution. It lists limitations with respect to the HPI-B specification and
describes extensions which were added by Artesyn.



This section describes those HPI-B features which the Artesyn HPI-B implementation does not


Limitations with Respect to HPI-B Base Specification

The following limitations apply with respect to the compatibility with the SAI-HPI-B.01.02
specification. Note that these limitations apply to the current and also to all future Artesyn HPI-
B releases. There are no plans to implement these features in the future.

Limited saHpiIdrAreaAdd() call
If the space is available, the function saHpiIdrAreaAdd() adds an OEM Inventory Area
including two pre-defined fields as multi-record with a maximum size of 255 Byte. The first
one is a read-only field containing the ManufacturerID (3 bytes). The second field (252
bytes) can be updated by the user. The Artesyn HPI-B implementation of

does not support the creation of other types of Inventory Areas.

Limited saHpiIdrAreaAddById() call
If the space is available, the function saHpiIdrAreaAdd() adds an OEM Inventory Area
with a specified area Id including two pre-defined fields as multi-record with a maximum
size of 255 Byte. The first one is a read-only field containing the ManufacturerID (3 bytes).
The second field (252 bytes) can be updated by the user. The Artesyn HPI-B
implementation of saHpiIdrAreaAddById() does not support addition of an area
with id zero or the creation of other types of Inventory Areas.

Limited saHpiIdrAreaDelete() call
Artesyn HPI-B does not allow deleting Inventory Area with saHpiIdrAreaDelete(),
except OEM Multi Records not specified by the PICMG ATCA and AMC specifications.

Limited saHpiHotSwapIndicatorStateSet() call
The API is not supported even though the Hotswap Indicator Flag is True for the resource.

Limited SaHpiIdrFieldSet() call
