Example applications – Artesyn System Management Interface Based on HPI-B (Centellis 2000 R3.0/4411) User's Guide (June 2014) User Manual

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Example Applications

System Management Interface Based on HPI-B (Centellis 2000 R3.0/4411) User’s Guide (6806800P20C)


# hpiposttype


Usage: hpiposttype [OPTION]...

HPI example application to control POST type.


-d DOMAIN_ID use domain with id DOMAIN_ID

-D walk recursivly through DRT

-r RESOURCE_ID use resource with id RESOURCE_ID

-t POSTTYPE set POST Type value

-c CPU_NUM set CPU number [default=0]

-V print version information and exit

-h display this help and exit


# hpipoweronsequence


Usage: hpipoweronsequence [OPTION]...

HPI example application to manage the power on sequence of FRUs during

initial startup.


-d DOMAIN_ID use domain with id DOMAIN_ID

-D walk recursivly through DRT

-r RESOURCE_ID use resource with id RESOURCE_ID

-p POSITION use POSITION as power on position

-s SLOT_RES_ID set SLOT_RES_ID for specific position

(Requires '-r' and '-p' option)
