Example – Vaisala HMP240 User Manual

Page 130

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Appendix 7: Re-gaining




Regeneration started, press any key to abort

S 162 RH= 20.0 %RH T= 26.5 'C

heating is finished,

S 162 RH= 20.0 %RH T= 26.5 'C

settling time is on and

S 162 RH= 20.0 %RH T= 26.5 'C

outputs are locked


N 162 RH= 18.4 %RH T= 27.7 'C

settling time is over and

N 162 RH= 18.5 %RH T= 27.6 'C

outputs are released

N 162 RH= 18.8 %RH T= 27.5 'C

Re-gaining can not be started if automatic re-gaining (heating/cooling) is on,
the temperature of the sensor exceeds 100 °C or the security lock jumper is
off. In these cases the 'Regeneration started...' text is not output by the
transmitter but the prompt '>' appears immediately.




forced re-gaining failed

H 162 RH= 19.7 %RH T= 26.4 'C

as automatic re-gaining

H 162 RH= 19.7 %RH T= 26.4 'C

(heating) is going on

H 162 RH= 19.7 %RH T= 26.4 'C
