Selecting the advanced settings tab – HID FARGO HDPii User Guide User Manual

Page 256

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HDPii High Definition Card Printer/Encoder User Guide L001130 Rev 1.4


Cancel button: Use this button to close the dialog box with no changes to the state of

Printer setting. If the user exits the Toolbox without clicking Clean, then the Printer
Cleaning Reminder dialog box will reappear on the next print.

Selecting the Advanced Settings tab

Use the Advanced Settings tab for adjusting the internal Printer settings, which are
customized for every Printer at the factory and saved directly within the Printer's memory.
(Note: You can select the Restore Defaults to restore the internal default settings.)

Selecting the Advanced Settings tab

These change values for Firmware settings. See below.

Setting Column:

Displays label for setting

Default Column:

Displays default value for setting

Current Column:

Displays current value for setting

Change the value by clicking on the value to activate spin control or type.

Apply Button:

Applies changed values.

Restore Defaults Button:

Restores default values.
