WIKA CPC6000 User Manual

Page 36

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Automated Pressure Calibrator
CPC 6000


Mensor/WIKA Operating Instructions - CPC 6000

6.4.1 Editing or Creating a Program

To edit or create a program, select a program name from the Program Selection Screen and press
[OK]. This brings up the main program screen. Below the [Name] key is a table that shows a synopsis
of the program steps. There are also up and down arrow keys to display additional pages of program

To edit the selected program press the [Edit] key. This displays the program editing screen shown in
Figure 6.4.1A.

Figure 6.4.1A - Program Editing Screen

Each program line shown in Figure 6.4.1A only executes one function or command. Each line has an
index number associated with it. For example, if a program has 30 commands, the first command
index is 1:30 to represent that it is command one of 30 to be executed.

To edit individual program lines, select the index number of the program line to edit.

[Insert] key: inserts a new program line before the selected one. This also re-scales the index num-
bers accordingly.

[Delete] key: deletes the selected program line and re-scales the index numbers accordingly.

[Change] key: displays the program line edit screen as shown in Figure 6.4.1C . Its functionality is
described in the following text.

[Copy] key: copies the selected program line.

[Paste] key: To paste a copied program line over an existing line, select the program line to be over-
written and press the [Paste] key.

[Save] key: saves the individual program lines to the program and the program to memory. If program
lines are edited and the main program screen is exited without pressing the [Save] key, a warning dia-
log box is displayed prompting the user to save program changes or cancel.
