YSI 6000UPG User Manual

Page 98

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YYYYMMDD and a string of the form HH:MM:SS.

JUL (Julian):

A ten-digit integral number of seconds past midnight March 1, 1984. NUM (numeric):

A fixed point number of the form DDDDDD.TTTTTT where DDDDDD is the number of days past
December 31 1899, and where TTTTTT is the fractional part of the day which has elapsed (.750000
is 6 PM).

REL (relative):

A fixed point number of the form HHHH.HHHH giving the number of hours elapsed since the first
sample in the file.

NOTE: The export date format only applies to CDF and SDF export files. The date and time
formats displayed on the PC6000 screen are determined in the SETUP menu.

Select this option to specify what header lines (if any) should be included at the top of CDF and
SDF export files. The header can contain up to three lines.

(-): No header lines.

P: One header line, containing the name of each Parameter.

U: One header line, containing the name of each Unit.

T: One header line, containing the name of the report Title.

Select this option to change the characteristics of a derived parameter. This option should be set to
N for no, except for advanced users.

Select this option to customize the menu colors of PC6000. Changing the colors using this option
will permanently modify the color scheme of User Defined Colors in the Setup menu.

Export header format: --

Multiple formula query: N

User-Defined menu colors
