Voltage acceptance module a1, Voltage acceptance module a1 -6 – Basler Electric BE1-25A User Manual

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The sensed bus and generator voltages are rectified and output to the balance circuit. Any inequality
detected in the balance circuit represents the voltage difference (

)V) between the bus and the generator.

And the polarity of the difference represents the direction required for any corrective signal to the

The balance error signal (or output) is amplified and directed to the precision full wave rectifier and to the
output gates. The output gates provide a signal (utilized by any voltage matching module present) that
indicates the desired direction that any speed-corrective command should have. This takes the form of
either a raise signal or a lower signal, according to the polarity of the error.

A comparator monitors the VOLTAGE DIFFERENCE control. If the voltage difference between the two
sides of the breaker (

)V) is found to be greater than the setting of the control, the breaker closure

command of the synchronizer is inhibited. (This information is also used by any voltage matching module
in the system to determine whether corrective signals are required.)

Additional circuitry monitors the external enable contact. The presence of a GV>BV signal (i.e., contact
closed) inhibits the synchronizer closure output unless the generator voltage is indeed greater than the
bus voltage. See Figure 3-4.

Figure 3-4. Voltage Acceptance Module A1 Block Diagram


BE1-25A Functional Description

9146600990 Rev S
