Available recording time in music cd format – Activeforever Plextalk PTR2 Digital DAISY Player and Recorder User Manual

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• Background noise level of input sound - If you are recording in a

low noise environment, such as a studio, use the "low" setting. If

your recording environment is noisy, such as a conference or

lecture, use the "High" setting.

• Time to auto stop recording when no sound - This is the time that

PLEXTALK will continue to record with no audio input. After this

time, recording stops automatically.

• Record speed setting - This setting can be used to choose between

normal speed recording and double speed recording. This can be
useful for dubbing from a double speed cassette.

The preset parameters for Music Standard mode are as follows:

Auto track setting: 2 seconds

Background noise level of input sound: Low (-40 dB)

Time to auto stop recording when no sound: 1 minute

Record speed setting: Normal speed

In Music Custom mode you can set each parameter to the settings listed

Auto track setting can be set to "No setting", "1 second", "2 seconds", "3

seconds", "4 seconds" or "5 seconds".

Background noise level of input sound can be set to "Low (-40 dB)",

"Normal (-28 dB)" or "High (-20 dB)".

Time to auto stop recording when no sound can be set to "No setting", "30

seconds", "1 minute", "2 minutes", "3 minutes", "4 minutes" or "5 minutes".
Record speed setting can be set to "Normal speed" or "Double speed".

18.3.3. Available recording time in Music CD format.

When recording in Music CD format, you can expect to get the following

recording times with the type of discs listed:

• CD-R or CD-RW, 650MB, Type 74: 74 minutes approximately.
