14 note repeat offset velocity, Rhythmic variation – Torso Electronics T-1 16-Track Algorithmic Desktop Sequencer User Manual

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The T-1 Notebook : Reference & Guide


4.14 Note Repeat Offset Velocity

The offset and pace parameters add even more creative options in the use
of the repeater. Offset operates on the velocity level of the repeats by
generating a rising ramp up or falling ramp down of the first set of repeats.

The velocity curves are linear but the slope and direction will be based on
the setting applied. Default position for offset will apply no velocity ramp to
the note repeats.

Offset Off

Base Velocity

Offset Off

Base Velocity

Offset Min

Shallow Slope Up

Offset Min

Shallow Slope Down

Offset Max

Steep Slope Up

Offset Max

Steep Slope Down

Offset View Mode.

The ramp will start from the current base velocity and ramp to
the maximum 127 level based on the slope selected.

The ramp will start from the base velocity and ramp to the
minimum 0 level based on the slope selected.

Offset View
Hold [CTRL] + (OFFSET).


Coarse Probability

Ramp Up

Ramp Down


Selected Offset


Rhythmic Variation


Offset is the secondary function available on the (REPEATS) Knob, accessible using [CTRL].
