Miscellaneous topics, Index identification for analog encoders, Chapter 11: miscellaneous topics – ElmoMC SimplIQ Digital Servo Drives-Bell Command Reference User Manual

Page 314: Chapter 11:miscellaneous topics, Resulting index pulse interpolation angle

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Chapter 11:Miscellaneous Topics

11.1. Index Identification for Analog Encoders

Analog encoders normally come with an analog index signal. For example, refer to the
analog waveform in the diagram below. Because the index is made by comparing the
analog index signal to zero volts, it is wide, and will latch different positions for CW and
for CCW approaches.

Index will be sensed here for reverse approach

Index will be sensed here
for forward approach

Resulting index pulse

Interpolation angle

0 deg

360 deg


Figure 11-1: Analog encoder signals, based on the Heidenhain RON 486 datasheet

For the index to be fully repetitive, SimplIQ needs to know the electrical angle that
corresponds to each index pulse edge; these are given by the parameters PN[10] and
PN[11], respectively. The units for PN[10] and PN[11] are 65536 for 360 degrees.

SimplIQ for Steppers Application Note

Development Aids

MAN-STECR (Ver. 1.1)

