HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual

Page 224

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Table 69 Storage System Setting Items (4x4 Configuration) (continued)




Use Business Continuity Manager for the

Multiple Storage System: Multiple
Storage System configuration: A

Command device

command device is required for each
storage system (eight command devices
are required in total when using 8 XP
disk arrays 4 at each site).

Multiple Storage System: One Storage
System configuration: A command device
is required for each of the primary and
secondary sites (two command devices
are required in total).

One Storage System: Multiple Storage
System configuration: A command device
is required for each storage system (five
command devices are required in total).

Use Remote Web Console or Business
Continuity Manager for the setup.

An inter-disk controller logical path
(bidirectional) must be established

Logical path

between the primary and secondary

Preparing the Configuration Files (4x4 Configuration)

You need to install Business Continuity Manager Cnt Ac-J Z 4x4 Extended CTG.

Table 70 (page 224)

lists the configuration files required for using Business Continuity Manager in

a 4x4 configuration.

Table 70 Required Configuration Files (4x4 Configuration)




The disk configuration definition file is
required at the primary and secondary

Disk configuration definition file

This item is not necessary if you use
Remote Web Console to set up logical

A path set is required for inter-disk
controller logical paths (bidirectional)
between the primary site and the
secondary site.

Path set definition file

Set this before starting a copy

Cnt Ac-J Z is required.

Copy group definition file

Set this before starting a copy

A different route is required for the
forward and reverse directions of each
series of storage systems (1x1).

Route list definition file and Command
Device definition file

The forward route is required when you
operate the secondary site storage
systems from the primary site by using
the Remote DKC Control Function. The
reverse route is required when you
operate the primary site storage systems
from the secondary site by using the
Remote DKC Control Function.

Table 71 (page 225)

shows how to prepare the configuration files at each site.

224 Configuration definitions
