Fluke Biomedical ProSim 6 User Manual

Page 97

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AV Node

Also called the atrioventricular node. Located in the right atrium near the septum.

Conducts the electrical impulse in the heart to the bundle of His, which passes it on to the

left- and right-bundle branches.


A unit of measurement that denotes the number of discrete signal elements, such as bits,

that can be transmitted per second. Bits-persecond (bps) means the number of binary

digits transmitted in one second.


Two sequences: a PVC followed by a normal beat, or a PVC followed by two normal

beats. Bigeminy—also called a fixed coupling or bigeminal rhythm—is a type of PVC in

which a beat with a normal QRS complex alternates with a PVC; in other words, every

other beat is premature. In trigeminy, which is similar to bigeminy, a PVC appears after

every two normal QRS complexes.

Blood Pressure

The pressure of the blood within the arteries, primarily maintained by contraction of the

left ventricle.


Beats per minute. SEE pulse.

Bundle-Branch Block

Blockage in the right- or left-bundle branches, with beats exhibiting a wide QRS and a

PR interval of 160 ms. Bundle-branch blockage—also referred to as intraventricular

conduction defect, BBB or IVCD—is a form of heart block in which there is a

conduction delay or failure from one of the branches of the bundle of His (which start

about a centimeter below the bundle of His) to the Purkinje network. The blockage may

be complete or incomplete, transient, intermittent, or permanent. In most cases, the

electrical impulse travels through the normal bundle branch to stimulate one ventricle and

then passes through the cardiac septum to stimulate the other, resulting in one ventricle’s

depolarizing later than the other. (Both anatomically and functionally, the septum

separates the heart into its left and right halves.)

Bundle Of HIS

A collection of nerves (about 1 cm in length) that lies just below the AV node in the heart.

Part of the heart’s electrical conduction system. With the AV node, forms the AV

junction. Below the bundle, the nerves divide into left and right branches.

Computational Constant

Pertaining to cardiac output. Sometimes called calibration coefficient.


Of, near, or pertaining to the heart.


Of, pertaining to, or involving the heart and the blood vessels.


One of the minute blood vessels that connect the arteries and veins.

DC component

See R-Value


An electrocardiogram (ECG) records the electrical signals of the muscles of the heart—

the depolarization and repolarization of the myocardium. Wires from an ECG machine

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