Verilink WANsuite 5165 (34-00301.H) Product Manual User Manual

Page 39

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W e b S e r v e r I n t e r f a c e


Applicable values range from 000 through 900. A value of “000” means the
alarm will never be reset.

The Network screens provide the user-activated buttons described in the table


Performance data will be lost upon power cycle or after performing a
Maintenance Reset or a Save and Restart.

Figure 3.6

Network Performance/Summary

In addition to the error parameters found in the Learned DS0 Rate on
page 3-7,
the following error parameters are included on the Network
Performance/Summary table:


A Bursty Error Second (BES) is a 1-second period during which at least more
than one but fewer than 320 CRC6 errors occurred.




Sets any values that have been changed.

Clear Alarms

Resets the alarm conditions and counts to zero.

Learn DS0s Now

Learns which DS0s are active and assigns them to the first
associated network service. Learned DS0s are based on the idle
pattern specified in the Channel Table (see below).


Displays a Network Performance/Summary screen (Figure 3.6)
that shows a summary of the current count of the number of
error events that have occurred over the past 24 hours and the
past 30 days.


Displays the Channel Table Details Screen on page 3-24,
showing each channel by index number. Each channel’s rate and
service (by number) are displayed and can be changed through
user input.
