Verilink WANsuite 5165 (34-00301.H) Product Manual User Manual

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W A N s u i t e 5 1 6 5


The Loss of Frame Count (LOFC) represents the number of time a loss of
frame is declared. A loss of frame is declared after 2.5 seconds of continuous
loss of signal or OOF.


A Cyclic Redundancy Check Errored Seconds (CRCES) is a method of
confirming the integrity of received data.

Beneath the Performance/Current screen are two buttons: “Performance 24
Hour” and “Performance 30 Day.” Clicking either of these buttons will
display a detailed summary of the error events that have occurred during each
15-minute interval of the past 24 hours (Figure 3.7) or during each interval
(day) of the past 30 days (Figure 3.8).

Figure 3.7

Performance 24 Hour Screen

Figure 3.8

Performance 30 Day Screen
