Specific commands – troubleshooting, Updating the omm, 10 u – AASTRA SIP-DECT (Release 2.1)- OM System Manual - Installation, Administration and Maintenance EN User Manual

Page 148: Pdating the, The omm see the section 7.10, 4 specific commands – troubleshooting, 10 updating the omm

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SIP – DECT OM System Manual Release 2.1

7 Configuration und Administration Aspects


Page: 148 (196)




Interface for communicating with the RFPs
(by default: eth0)


Directory containing the OMM configuration
file (by default: /etc/omm_conf.txt)


In case of OMM redundancy, enter the two IP
addresses of the OMMs. See also
section 7.11.

Restore URL

Restore URL for an automatic OMM
database import (see chapter


Country tone schema


Specific Commands – Troubleshooting

The OMM software has been installed but does not work automatically when the PC starts.
The command below stops or starts OMM manually (User root):

/etc/init.d/omm_ffsip [start|stop|restart].

The command line interface for OMM is accessible via telnet on port 8107.

To check whether OMM is working, see the list of procedures for the “omm_ffsip” process. If
OMM does not start, delete the lock file “/var/lock/subsys/omm_ffsip”.

To delete the OMM configuration remove the OMM configuration file
“/opt/omm_ffsip/tmp/omm_conf.txt” (by default).


Updating the OMM

To prevent a full breakdown of the DECT network for large systems during an update, a new
mechanism has been introduced.

The procedures for updating an existing DECT installation with a new software depend on

is a single OMM or standby OMM installation used and

is the OMM running on an RFP or PC.

The OMM “standby” feature is described in section 7.11.

Especially for installations using a standby OMM this new update mechanism allows an
update of the RFPs with a minimum impact to the DECT services.

All RFPs check the availability of new boot image file automatically when:

the DHCP lease is refreshed,

the RFP lost the connection to the OMM,

one of the service applications running on the RFP must be restarted, and

an RFP configuration file update check is done (see chapter 7.7).

As soon as an RFP detects a new boot image file on the TFTP server it notifies this to the
OMM. The OMM keeps track when it is save to restart an RFP in order to leave the DECT
service synchronal.
