Xtramus APMPT-4 V2.4 User Manual

Page 126

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E-mail: [email protected]

Website: www. Xtramus.com



Reset SFP Module (Fiber Only): Selecting this function will allow system to turn Off SFP port and

than turn On the SFP port.

Enable S/N Error Check: Selecting this option will enable the capturing of S/N Error.

Insert Elongated Frame Gap: When enabling this function, 1 bit-time of frame gap will be inserted

after a certain amount of packets are sent and decrease packet loss.

Halt on if fail: If you enable this function, system will stop if the test fails.

Up Packet Setting:

Transmit by Time: The 1 to Many-UC test will be performed for the set amount of time here.

Transmit by Packet: The 1 to Many-UC test will be performed for the set amount of packet here.

Tx Pkt Timeout: This field will be available for setting when you select the Transmit by Packet

function. If the time spent for transmitting packet exceeds the Tx Pkt Timeout you set here, the

test will stop and the result will be fail.

Down Packet Setting:

Transmit by Time: The 1 to Many-UC test will be performed for the set amount of time here.

Transmit by Packet: The 1 to Many-UC test will be performed for the set amount of packet here.

Tx Pkt Timeout: This field will be available for setting when you select the Transmit by Packet

function. If the time spent for transmitting packet exceeds the Tx Pkt Timeout you set here, the

test will stop and the result will be fail.

Stream Counter Report: Click the check box so the APMPT-4 will save the 1 to Many-UC test result

in Microsoft Excel format.

Dynamic Random Seed: For random packets, selecting this option will generate variable packets,

disabling this function will not generate variable packets.

T/L (0x): You can set the T/L (0X) after MAC address in this field.

Auto Check X-TAG Offset: X-TAG is a 12-byte tag which is developed by Xtramus and embedded

at 45th~56th bytes of each testing frames generated by Rapid-Matrix for multi-stream tests. X-TAG

will be added to all the testing frames generated by NuApps-MultiUnits-RM.

Traffic Direction Mode: You can scroll down and choose the direction of the traffic on this field.

Tx Payload: You can set the content of the transmitting packets with the Payload scroll-down menu.

MAC Setup:

Clicking the MAC Setup option will pop up a window to modify each module

card‟s port MAC Address.
