Apmpt-4 overview, Starting apmpt-4 – Xtramus APMPT-4 V2.4 User Manual

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3. APMPT-4 Overview

3.1. Starting APMPT-4

Before starting APMPT-4, the DUT, your PC, and NuStreams-2000i/600i shall be connected as shown in

2.2. Hardware Installation”.

You can start running APMPT-4 by:

Click StartPrograms NuStreams


Double-click APMPT-4 icon located on your

PC‟s desktop.

When you first start the APMPT-4, a Profile Section window as below will pop up. Select standard

(default) option in general case. If you are a user of a certain customized company, select the

corresponding option.

If your PC is not connected with NuStreams-2000i/600i, you can still run APMPT-4 under Demo Mode.

Almost all APMPT-

4‟s functions are available under Demo Mode. However, please note that Demo Mode

is for system demo purposes only, and does not serve any test purpose at all.
