JB-Lighting Licon 1X User Manual

Page 52

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JB-lighting Lichtanlagen GmbH Sallersteigweg 15 D-89134 Blaustein Telefon ++49(0)7304 9617-0

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11. Chases in the Fixture section

A chase is defined as a succession of individual cues. All steps of a chase have the same runtimes. The
Licon 1X provides two different possibilities to create chases: a) with the help of previously programmed
cues and b) with the chase generator, which is a quicker and more effective solution. This chase
generator makes available an abundance of different chase patterns, to which you only have to assign
the desired parameters and runtimes.

The Licon 1X has a total of 94 storage places (keys) for chases. 32 chases can run
at the same time.

These eight keys of the Chases section shown on the left are used to store and
recall chases. They are switched by the keys of the Page/Bank section.

11.1 Programming chases from cues

If you wish to programme chases from aleady existing cues (scenes), programme and store these cues
as described in Chapter 6.1 Programming and storing of cues.

In order to create a chase from existing cues, the following working steps must be carried out:

Select the cue key, which shall be the first step of your chase, by pressing the
corresponding key in the Cues block.

Then press the Store key in the Combi section.

Select the desired parameters in the storage matrix.

Select the chase key, on which you wish to store and recall the chase.

IMPORTANT: The LED of the Store key begins flashing!

Activate the function NAME and enter the name with the keys of the
Cue/Chase/Sequence section.

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