Drive plc developer studio – Lenze DDS v2.3 User Manual

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Drive PLC Developer Studio




DDS EN 2.3

Insert task / Add task




InsertWInsert task

InsertWAdd task



Use this command to insert a new task to the task configuration.

If a task has been selected, the command Insert task is available and inserts the new task in
front of the cursor.

If ” Task configuration” is selected, the command Add task is available and adds a new task
to the end of the existing list.

Selection of one of the two commands opens the dialog box

Task properties where the required

attributes can be entered.

Name of the task (max. 40 characters)

Priority of the task
(number between 0 and n; 0 = task inhibited, 1 = highest priority, n = lowest priority)

Interval after which the task is to be restarted.

Event (variable which is to effect task execution after a rising edge)
To select the event from the declared variables, click Select... to open the Help Manager.

To select a real interrupt, click the button Interrupts... .

Watchdog time of the task


no entry was made in text fields Interrupt, Interval and Event,

the specified interval time or priority is wrong,

the specified priority already exists,

the OK button will remain greyed out.

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