Drive plc developer studio – Lenze DDS v2.3 User Manual

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Drive PLC Developer Studio




DDS EN 2.3

Set the communication parameters (gateway, device)
device instance
<Instance name>

Set the instance name for the current device to the specified name.

device parameter


Assign the parameter with the specified ID, or optionally the specified parameter name, the specified value that
will then be interpreted by the device.

System call
system <Command>

Execute the specified operating system command.

Select automation system
target <Id>|<name>

Set the target platform for the current project. Specification of target ID or optionally the target name, as specified
in the target file.

Command file command.cmd

file open C:\projects\DDS_test\
query off ok
watchlist load c:\work\
online login
online run
delay 1000
watchlist read
watchlist save c:\work\
online logout
file close

This command file

opens the project file

loads a Watch list loaded under

starts the user program

after one second writes the variable values into the Watch list that is saved

and then closes the project again.

The command file is called as follows in the command line:

” <Path DDS file>” ” <Path cmd file>”

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