Reserve/release module – Xtramus NuWIN-RM V1.4 User Manual

Page 90

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7. Reserve/Release Module

As mentioned previously, before making any test configurations, you have to reserve the ports. You can

reserve/release the ports by:

Accessing Reserve/Release Module Pop-up Window

Choose Reserve/Release Module from the
Menu Bar

Press the Reserve/Release button on the
Quick Launch Buttons

All available ports will be displayed in the Unlock Module field in the format of (X, Y, Z)

– Module Name,

where (X, Y, Z) is module card

’s port ID.

To reserve a port for tests, please click a port listed in the Unlock Module field, and click the > button.

The port you

’ve selected will be added to the Lock Module field. If you would like to reserve all ports

available, click the >> button instead.

To release a port, please click a port listed in the Lock Module field, and click the < button. The port


’ve selected will be removed from the Lock Module field. If you would like to release you selected,

click the << button instead.

Please press OK to apply all the settings you

’ve made, or press Cancel to

cancel all the setting you

’ve made.

A Processing

window will pop up, displaying the port reserving/releasing

process. All ports you

’ve reserved will be displayed on Module Info/Configuration List as shown left.
