Comtech EF Data FX Series Administrator Guide User Manual

Page 106

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Comtech EF Data / Stampede

FX Series Administration Guide - Version 6.1.1


Chapter: FX Series Status
Section: FX Series ADC Status


Real-Time Statistics

CPU (%):

This represents the CPU utilization of the FX Series ADC for all system tasks.

Memory usage (%):

The percent of RAM being consumed by the ADC including both the WAN optimization service and the
operating system. When this value approaches 90%, the ADC will automatically reduce its memory
resource consumption to prevent service disruption.

HTTP objects retrieved:

This shows the number of objects that the FX Series ADC retrieved from the target HTTP web servers.

HTTP server hits saved:

The number of times that the back-end HTTP server did not need to service an HTTP request because it
was handled out of the FX Series ADC cache. This tally also includes savings generated by the advanced
caching of the client acceleration software.

HTTP hit savings (%):

The percentage of “HTTP server hits saved” versus the total number of requests that would have been
made to the back-end HTTP servers had it not been for the FX Series ADC.

HTTP request throughput:

The number of HTTP requests per second that were processed by the ADC over the last refresh interval.

WAN bytes processed:

Total number of bytes processed, both sent and received, by the FX Series ADC for traffic between clients
and the FX Series ADC.

WAN bytes saved:

This represents the reduction in traffic between clients and the FX Series due to various acceleration
techniques such as data compression, cache differencing, JPEG reduction etc.

Remote cache savings:

The number of bytes saved due to caching at the FX Remote.

WAN savings (%)

The “WAN bytes saved” divided by the “WAN bytes processed”.

Effective throughput:

Shows the WAN bytes processed throughput based on the refresh interval.

Link throughput:

This shows the number of bits per second received over the WAN port based on the refresh interval.

Capacity improvement:

This is the bits per second improvement in the WAN link capacity due to the optimization provided by the
FX ADC and Remote over the “refresh interval”

Capacity improvement %:

This is the percentage improvement of the WAN link capacity provided by the FX ADC and Remote over
the last refresh interval.
