Assignment of the snn, Manual snn -2, Assignment of the snn -2 – Rockwell Automation 1753-DNSI DeviceNet Safety Scanner for GuardPLC Controllers User Manual

Page 38: Automatic (time-based) -2, Manual snn, Automatic (time-based)

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Publication 1753-UM002A-EN-P - July 2005

4-2 Manage the Safety Network Number

Manual SNN

In the manual format, the SNN represents entered values from 1 to
9999 decimal.

Assignment of the SNN

SNNs can be generated automatically via RSNetWorx for DeviceNet or
manually assigned by the user. Automatically generated SNNs are
sufficient and recommended for most applications.

Automatic (Time-based)

When a new safety device is added to the network configuration, a
default SNN is automatically assigned via the configuration software,
as follows:

• If at least one safety device already exists in the DeviceNet

network configuration, subsequent safety additions to that
network configuration are assigned the same SNN as the lowest
addressed safety device.

• If no other safety devices exist in the DeviceNet network

configuration, a time-based SNN is automatically generated by
RSNetWorx for DeviceNet.


You can use the Copy button on the Set Safety
Network Number dialog to copy the SNN to the



