1 selecting recipients from address books – Kofax Communication Server 9.1.1 User Manual

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TCfW Communication Server Client

© Copyright Kofax, Inc. All information is subject to change without notice.


Bcc: (blind carbon copy) The sender sees bcc recipients in the Recipient list. Recipients, however,
only see To and cc recipients in the Recipient list because bcc recipients are not listed in the cover
sheet of messages. This feature is useful when you want to send a copy of a message to someone but
don‘t want the other recipients to know that a copy was sent.

Auth: This means that before a message can be sent, it first has to be authorized by someone. If a
message is sent for authorization to a user without authorization rights, this user can only reject the
message. Auth recipients are not listed in the cover sheets of messages.

Recipient field at the top, next to the Delivery type drop-down list lets you enter recipients or search
strings manually.

Recipient list below the Recipient field contains all specified recipients.

From field contains the sender.

Subject field is an optional field to indicate the message content.

Using a cover sheet lets you include merge values in your messages. You can see how your final message,
including its cover sheet, will arrive by clicking the Text/Image toggle button on the toolbar.

You have to specify at least one recipient before you can send a message.

The From field contains the sender (i.e., you, the user). Only the Distributor, if he opened the message in

Distribution mode, can modify the From information by placing the cursor in the From field and pressing

ENTER. This allows the Distributor to enter a valid sender (the same way a recipient is entered) when

external messages such as faxes come in.

Click anywhere in the Send Options area (top right below the Address Book drop-down list) to open the

Send Options dialog box in which you can set your send options.


Selecting Recipients from Address Books

Before you can select recipients from an address book do the following:


Click New from the Message menu to open a new message.


Select the address book you want from the Address Book drop-down list. Each user may access the
system address book, a group address book, and his/her own personal address book.


Place the cursor in the Recipient field and select a recipient in one of the following ways:
