IntelliTrack Inventory Shipping Receiving Picking (ISRP) User Manual

Page 267

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Chapter 15




ISRP Inventory Reports

Inventory Report


Available Warehouse Space

Lists each location for the specified
site(s), total cubic space, total occupied
cubic space, available cubic space, and
the percent available space for the site
locations and percentage range speci-

Batch Cycle Count

Lists the items due to be cycle counted
along with their on hand quantity.

History by Date

Lists transaction history by date for the
date range specified. Report values
include: Transaction Date and Time,
Order # and Item#, Description and
Transaction Type, User ID, UOM, Alter-
nate item # and Quantity, and Net Bal-

History by Item

Lists transaction history by item number
for the item number range and the date
range specified. Report values include:
Transaction Date, Transaction Time,
Transaction Description, User ID, Order
#, Location, UOM, Quantity, Net Balance,
and Balance at Site.

Inventory by Category

Totals the extended cost for item type (or
category) by site and type specified. Lists
category, item, item description, alternate
item number, location, unit of measure,
on hand quantity, extended quantity, unit
cost and extended cost for each item’s

Inventory by Location

Shows the on hand quantity and the
extended quantity for the specified inven-
tory at the specified locations. The report
can be filtered by Site, item number
range and location range.

Inventory by Lot, Expiration

Shows on hand quantity, extended quan-
tity, and percentage of total lot and expi-
ration date for the item and location.

Inventory Item Detail

Subtotals the extended quantity for spec-
ified items and locations.
