Channel page optimization, How-to steps – Google YouTube Creator Playbook Guide Version 2 User Manual

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background image

How-To Steps

1. Design a great channel background

Design an attractive background for your channel that features the
personalities, characters, or content of the channel.

The channel banner image can be made clickable, so design it to get
viewers to click. Ensure your most important links are image mapped in
this section.

Branding can click offsite: ensure your most important links are in the
image mapped section above the channel.

Upload graphics for the mobile viewing experience.

Create a great avatar image that is relevant to your channel and will be
eye-catching in search results.


3. Choose template, enable Featured Video and Other
Channels modules, manage Feed

Explore all available features and modules available for the channel
page and use them to highlight the type of content that is most relevant
to your audience.

Enable the Other Channels module to feature other channels and
cross-promote. Enable your recent activity feed and channel comments
to increase engagement with your channel.

Treat your Feed as another form of content creation, update regularly
and ensure highlighted content appeals to subscribers.

2. Optimize channel metadata

Write an optimized, accurate channel description including: release
schedule, show description, and other relevant information. Make your
channel’s content clear in the first 45 characters of the description.

Link to your dot com, social media and other relevant sites.

Publishing & Optimization

Track changes to channel viewership as optimizing your channel
metadata and thumbnail can attract more clicks in search and increase
percentage of views on the channel page. Track subscriber growth.
Install Google Analytics on your channel page to help you track visits
and time spent on the page.

Channel Page Optimization
